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Airport CodeAirportCity
ABRAberdeen rgnlAberdeen
3A9Arlington muniArlington
EFCBelle fourche muniBelle fourche
6V5Bison muniBison
5P3Bowdle muniBowdle
BTNBritton muniBritton
BKXBrookings rgnlBrookings
9D2Harding countyBuffalo
7G9Canton muniCanton
9V9Chamberlain muniChamberlain
8D7Clark countyClark
5H3Clear lake muniClear lake
D65Corsica muniCorsica
CUTCuster countyCuster
7F2Dupree muniDupree
84DCheyenne eagle butteEagle butte
6V0Edgemont muniEdgemont
3W8Eureka muniEureka
3V0Custer state parkFairburn
D07Faith muniFaith
3FUFaulkton muniFaulkton
4P3Flandreau muniFlandreau
0D8Gettysburg muniGettysburg
9D1Gregory muni, flynn fieldGregory
5G3Harrold muniHarrold
5T4Herreid muniHerreid
9D0Highmore muniHighmore
HSRHot springs muniHot springs
9F8Hoven muniHoven
8D9Howard muniHoward
HONHuron rgnlHuron
3Y7Isabel muniIsabel
5V8Kadoka muniKadoka
6A6Kimball muniKimball
8D8Lake andes muniLake andes
Y34Lake preston muniLake preston
LEMLemmon muniLemmon
MDSMadison muniMadison
9V6Martin muniMartin
8D6Mc intosh muniMc intosh
5P2Mc laughlin muniMc laughlin
1D1Milbank muniMilbank
MKAMiller muniMiller
0V6Mission siouxMission
MHEMitchell muniMitchell
MBGMobridge muniMobridge
8F6Murdo muniMurdo
7K7Graham fieldNorth sioux city
98DOnida muniOnida
8V3Parkston muniParkston
PIRPierre rgnlPierre
IENPine ridgePine ridge
1D3Platte muniPlatte
5P5Presho muniPresho
RAPRapid city rgnlRapid city
1D8Redfield muniRedfield
FSDJoe foss fieldSioux falls
8D3Sisseton muniSisseton
SPFBlack hills-clyde ice fieldSpearfish
Y03Springfield muniSpringfield
49BSturgis muniSturgis
Y14Marv skie-lincoln countyTea
D58Timber lake muniTimber lake
VMRHarold davidson fieldVermillion
AGZWagner muniWagner
6V4Wall muniWall
ATYWatertown rgnlWatertown
1D7The sigurd andersonWebster
4X4Wessington springsWessington springs
7Q7White river muniWhite river
ICRWinner rgnlWinner
YKNChan gurney muniYankton